Dental Guides

Root Canal Treatment Singapore: Is Root Canal Treatment a Major Surgery?

Root canal treatment also referred to as a root canal or endodontic treatment is a procedure used to repair and save a tooth that has become badly decayed or infected. During the procedure, your dentist will clean out all of the diseased or damaged tissue in your tooth's root canals.

Once this pulp is removed, filling material (a dental amalgam like silver filling) will be placed in the canals. Finally, when the tooth is fully prepared, it will be restored with either an inlay (porcelain crown; looks like natural teeth) or onlay (porcelain cap; covers only part of the tooth). (See what you can expect when you check in for root canal treatment in Singapore here:

As for whether a root canal treatment is a major surgery or not, the answer is; a root canal treatment is a minor surgical procedure used to remove the nerve tissue inside a tooth that has been infected or damaged. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and usually takes one to two hours.

Your dentist will use a rubber dam to help in isolating the tooth and keeping it dry. The dentist then makes an opening in the crown of the tooth and removes the infected or damaged nerve tissue. The root canal is cleaned and sealed with a dental filling.

How long does the Procedure Take?

It takes about an hour to complete a root canal treatment. This time may vary from one patient to another depending on several factors, such as the severity of infection and how many roots need to be treated.

In addition, if you have a large build-up of tartar in your mouth prior to your appointment, you may need to have it removed in addition to your root canal treatment. Before commencing the treatment, your dentist will begin a numbing process on your teeth which will continue until the entire procedure is complete. The numbness is then replaced with a feeling of pressure and/or mild discomfort."

This entire time, you will be sitting in the dental chair while holding an oxygen mask over your face. Depending on your preference, you may also clench onto a metal or plastic "bite stick" if instructed by your dentist.

This prevents you from biting your cheek or tongue accidentally during the procedure. Once your tooth has been prepared for restoration, you'll receive temporary filling material so that no food particles can get inside of where the nerve used to be. You'll need to come back and get the permanent restoration placed a week or two later.

Are there Any Risks Associated with a Root Canal Treatment?

Before consenting for a root canal treatment in Singapore, it’s normal to be concerned about the safety of the whole procedure. If you're wondering whether root canal treatment come with risks, the answer is; yes, although they are very rare.

The list of risks include nerve damage (extremely unlikely since there will be plenty of numbness), infection if the equipment isn't sterilized properly, and death. These risks apply to unqualified people doing an unprofessional root canal treatment in unsanitary conditions. Root canals done by qualified dentists in sanitary conditions carry extremely small risks, and the benefits of the treatment outweigh the risks.

What are the Benefits of Getting a Root Canal Treatment?

You'd be saving yourself from experiencing extreme pain, which you probably would have gone through if you hadn't had a root canal treatment. A painful mouth can make it really difficult to eat, sleep, or think properly.

As mentioned before, there's also an extremely small risk that you could end up with an infection in your mouth. This could lead to further problems if not given proper treatments. There are other reasons why someone may consider having a root canal instead of extracting their tooth, which includes preventing damages such as bone loss and preventing damage to neighboring teeth.

Once the tooth has been treated though, you should basically expect some discomfort for a few days, but this will be manageable. Unlike untreated tooth decay, a root canal is considered "one of the most successful procedures in all dentistry" because it saves the majority of the original tooth, which would otherwise need to be extracted.

If you are missing an important molar or incisor, the chances are that it's affecting how you eat and speak- preventing you from enjoying life to its fullest. Not only can a root canal save your existing natural tooth, but it can also fill in any holes left behind by missing teeth so that you feel aesthetically complete.

How much does a Root Canal Treatment in Singapore Cost?

Getting a root canal treatment in Singapore is relatively affordable compared to what you probably would have spent on multiple trips to get antibiotics, pain prescriptions, and other treatments for an infection without even knowing it would work. Other procedures associated with tooth decay or pre-existing dental issues may require many more visits than just one appointment for a root canal treatment.

So root canal treatments are affordable when compared to the money that will be saved in the future without having to pay for medications or extractions. The costs of root canal treatment in Singapore are typically between S$400 and S$1,605

Do note that these costs vary depending on which tooth needs an extraction, how big it is, what type of tooth it is (front vs. molar), your dentist's location (urban vs. rural), etc. Root canals are classified into two major groups: single-surface or multi-surface. The cost difference depends on whether there are symptoms indicating more than one surface needs treatment, such as symptoms correlating with extensive pulp exposure.

If you've been neglecting a problem for too long and it becomes severe enough to lead you to seek out a root canal treatment, chances are it's affected the value of your other teeth as well as made you suffer from symptoms such as pain and infection. Your dentist can make an estimate as to how much money your other teeth have lost as a result of being compromised by the current damage to help you come up with a price range before any treatment.

This will include surgeries required for proper restorations if not done at the time of treatment. If you are experiencing pain, or have noticed discoloration, don't wait any longer- call your dentist today.

In Closing

Root canals are preventative measures to save teeth that would otherwise be lost. Teeth can be expensive to replace, and a root canal is more affordable than numerous visits to your dentist for medications, antibiotics, or even an extraction that will leave a hole in your mouth. Plus, it's better for the health of our bodies- one of the biggest parts of life- to keep all your teeth!

Do you think that you need a root canal treatment in Singapore but still unsure about it? Get in touch with our medical team today to schedule a comprehensive dental exam. Call: +6564751028.

Smilepoint Dental Holland Village
43 Jln Merah Saga, #01-64 Chip Bee Gardens, Singapore 278115
+65 6475 1028

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