Dental Guides

Keep your braces invisible: everything you need to know about lingual braces

More than 55% of Australian adults are self-conscious about their teeth and close to 62% of them would like to fix the uneven gaps and crooked teeth. An increasing number of Australian parents want their children to get braces to prevent future dental problems. They are conscious about the misalignments of their child's teeth, and till date, most orthodontic patients in Australia are kids.

Braces no longer mean chunky, unsightly and conspicuous metal bits. Orthodontics technology has come a long way. There are several types of braces for both adults and children. If you don’t want your or your child’s braces to be visible, you can go with lingual braces. These types of braces are ideal for adults working front desk jobs and for children conscious about their appearance.

What are the traditional braces?

In the early days of orthodontics, braces only meant the metal orthodontics that was clearly visible from the outside. These were small stainless-steel metal brackets that adhered to a tooth via a special type of cement. A thin archwire connected these brackets that brought the teeth closer to one another, eventually minimizing the gap between them. Tiny elastics joined the archwires to the brackets, which the dentist changed every time he or she tightened the braces to increase the pressure. Now, these metal braces have become lighter and less visible than they used to be even a decade ago, but they can still change the entire look of a person’s face.

What are the ideal brace choices for adults?

Wearing traditional braces can restrict your dietary choices and affect your speech. At the same time, they can make social interactions difficult, especially when first impressions are crucial.

Adults and young adults are gradually moving away from traditional brace choices and embracing the less conspicuous Invisalign and lingual brace options. Lingual braces can range from being less visible to completely invisible. In contrast to conventional metal braces that the dentist attaches to the front of the teeth, the lingual braces adhere to the back. Since the dentist attaches them to the tongue or lingual side, they are popular as lingual braces. 

What are lingual braces?

Lingual braces have all the brackets, wires and elastics at the back of your teeth. They are more desirable than traditional braces if you don't want your peers to know you are undergoing orthodontic treatments. Pre-teens, Teenagers, and young adults in Australia are particularly partial towards lingual braces. It is an inconspicuous way to get the treatment you need, without letting other people know. Not every orthodontist in Sydney can provide you with lingual braces. You need to find an expert orthodontist in your area, who offers lingual braces. Find the best dentist in Sydney through extensive research, review comparison and patient testimonials. Check the official websites of the dentists in your area to get a better idea on the availability of similar services.

What should you know before you get lingual braces?

Before getting lingual braces, you should know a few facts that can influence your decision.

The drawbacks vary

Most people are well aware of the disadvantages of traditional braces. Not everyone knows about the caveats of lingual braces since they are not as common as their traditional metal counterparts. Interestingly, unlike metal braces, the drawbacks of lingual braces vary from one person to another. It depends on the alignment of one's teeth, their overbite, and present speaking difficulties.

Difficulties during speaking

Since the braces are on the inside, your tongue will come in direct contact with them. You might find it weird at first since your tongue will graze something strange each time you speak. You may even face speech difficulties during the initial days including a lisp, or whistling sounds. You can overcome this challenge by talking out loud in front of the mirror or reading out loud until your speech is normal. Getting feedback from family and friends can help as well. If possible, compare your speech with a recorded version from your days before the braces.

Food choices

Like all braces, lingual braces will influence your food options. Your orthodontist is likely to recommend what you can and can't eat with your braces on. You should stay away from hard, crunchy and sticky food. You may have to say "goodbye" to hard candies and sugary treats for a while. Lodging bits of food behind your teeth is easy. Since the lingual braces are on the back of your teeth, they require extra effort to clean correctly. Apart from going to the orthodontist for regular maintenance, you should cut your food up in small pieces while eating.

Sore tongue

Because your tongue will hit the braces regularly while you talk or try to rest it inside your mouth, it might feel a little sore on the initial days. Your tongue will eventually return to its normal state, but the first few days might feel the most challenging. To soothe the pain, you can try rinsing your mouth in warm salt-water or aspirin water. You can consult your orthodontist in Sydney for OTC solutions that can alleviate your tongue. Some people turn to OTC anesthetics to numb their tongue for the first few days, but we recommend orthodontic consultations since numbing your tongue may prevent you from feeling twisted brackets, or lacerations on your tongue.

They are costly

Lingual braces are considerably more expensive than metal braces. People usually opt for lingual braces because they are practically invisible and they do not alter their physical appearance at all. Some of the orthodontist's offices have convenience financing options. You can always inquire about lingual braces at your local orthodontist's clinic in Sydney. It will help you get an idea about the cost and the time necessary.

Lingual braces are highly customizable. The orthodontist usually takes an accurate measurement of a person's bite, gaps between their teeth, and misalignments before individually creating the braces for them. Therefore, the degree of discomfort each person faces is different, and some people don't face these challenges at all. You should definitely consider getting lingual braces if keeping the braces inconspicuous is your primary concern.

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