Dental Guides

Dental Guides (Page 22)

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?Going to the dentist makes many people fearful. They become anxious, worrying about how much pain they might feel. Others feel a sense of powerlessness in the dental chair and struggle with not knowing what is happening during the visit. If you experience any of this stress, sedation dentistry can help. But how do you know if it is the right option for you? What is sedation dentistry?  Using... ❯❯❯

6 Small Habits That Help You Age Well

As you get older, it's easy to get confused with all the aging advice floating around out there. For example, wine is good for you. Nope, wine is bad for you. You should be taking calcium supplements. Nope, you shouldn't be taking calcium supplements. With all of the advice that is good one day and not the next, it's no wonder people get confused. In reality, there are a few small habits that can... ❯❯❯

6 Reasons Why You Need To Visit Your Ortho Regularly

Seeing your orthodontist regularly is vital to your overall health. An orthodontist can help ensure that you have a beautiful smile and are not at risk for dental problems. You should see your orthodontist based on your dentist's recommendations, as well as whether or not you have a problem. If you do have an issue that you think needs to be seen by an orthodontist, schedule an appointment as... ❯❯❯

Finding A Quality Dentist in Plantation

Finding A Quality Dentist in PlantationCaring for our teeth is an important venture to undertake. Just as our eyes and every other part of the body are important, so are our teeth. Some people deliberately ignore health issues, ruling them out as just minor issues, but with the teeth which is quite sensitive, most minor cases transform to become very major cases which are complex to handle. One way we can be sure of maintaining... ❯❯❯

An Introduction to Mini Dental Implant Procedure

An Introduction to Mini Dental Implant ProcedureWhat You Need to Know About Mini Dental Implants Have you lost a tooth and need to restore it? Are you hesitant to undergo a traditional implant surgery that is not only invasive but quite costly? In this case, you might want to consider getting a mini dental implant. It is a great alternative to replace lost teeth outside of conventional treatments. It is possible to restore your smile to its... ❯❯❯

The Importance of Flossing

Brushing your teeth remains the most popular and persistent advice you receive from your dentist. It is a habit that you had ingrained since childhood. Flossing, on the other hand, is not as prominent a practice. In recent years, flossing has been on the fence due to a study that flossing does not have any proven health benefits. At the very least, it’s been suggested that there is no substantial... ❯❯❯

The Impact of Ageing on Teeth Health

The Impact of Ageing on Teeth HealthIn the era of forever 21 nobody can hold youth forever as ageing is an inescapable process. Ageing affects the whole body at certain levels but we tend to ignore the teeth health usually until we are the victim of ill fitted prosthesis. Receding of gums According to experts in elder care, the far most common problem is neglecting the periodontal health which includes our gums. Poor oral... ❯❯❯

Several Benefits of Jacksonville Dental Implants

Several Benefits of Jacksonville Dental ImplantsA lot of people may find that their permanent tooth needs extraction because it's damaged beyond repair. Sometimes, missing teeth can reduce one's confidence, and they may hesitate to smile. Missing spaces inside the mouth can also cause the remaining teeth to protrude or misalign. Read more about the things that you can do with a missing tooth on this page here. When you have a damaged or... ❯❯❯

How do Children’s Dental Clinics Make Visits Easier?

How do Children’s Dental Clinics Make Visits Easier?Human teeth are pretty strong and durable, but they’re also subject to a lot of problems. Although a lot of people do not know this, teeth are actually homologous structures with fish that evolved from scales, and they’re not actually bone. Though most importantly, teeth are constantly exposed and at risk, along with the gums and the rest of the mouth. So proper dental care should definitely... ❯❯❯

People Aren’t Going To The Dentist — & What That Means For The Future of Dental

By Dr. Derek Giddon DDS Dentistry seems like a future-proof industry: no matter how advanced our tech gets, the humans who use it will still get cavities. So it may be surprising to learn that, actually, people are going to the dentist less and less. And that’s a big problem. According to the Health Policy Industry and the American Dental Association, the rate of working-age adults who visit the... ❯❯❯

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