Dental Guides

Dental Guides: Oral Health (Page 7)

5 Tips for Alleviating the Pain of Dental Braces

If you’ve ever talked to someone who has had braces before, one thing that they will probably tell you is that while the end results makes the cost of the braces well worth it, if there’s one thing that is definitely no fun, it’s going through the process of first getting your braces put on your teeth and then having them tightened every few months. The reason why is because it tends to be pretty... ❯❯❯

Common Causes of Tooth Enamel Damage

Tooth enamel is a little bit like a protective shield for your teeth. In fact, tooth enamel is one of the strongest materials in the world and the strongest in your body. Basically, your teeth are like exposed bone that are made out of mainly calcium minerals and other organic compounds. In humans, teeth are designed to chew both meat and plant matter. However, our enamel is no match for some... ❯❯❯

5 Quick and Easy Solutions for Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can cause discomfort and pain at any moment–while eating an ice pop, when you sip hot tea, or when you bite into a hard candy bar. The painful, searing sensation is often unbearable, and you will likely do anything to limit or reduce the discomfort. Here are 5 quick and easy solutions to help with sensitive teeth. Purchase a desensitizing toothpaste at your local grocery store... ❯❯❯

5 Foods That Do Major Damage to Tooth Enamel

We all know that certain foods, like coffee and tea, can stain our teeth. And most of us understand that even with brushing, flossing, and rinsing, the foods and beverages we consume can still upset our oral health. Of course, going for a dental check-up and cleaning every six months can certainly help to counteract any potential dental issues associated with your diet. And with so many whitening... ❯❯❯

5 Brushing and Flossing Tips for Kids

Just about all of us remember growing up and our parents telling us how important it was that we brushed and flossed our teeth after every meal. Now that we’re the parents, it’s our turn to instruct our little ones on why they need to do the exact same thing. Of course, initially, it may not seem like something that your young son or daughter is very interested in. So, in order to make it... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Preventing Yellow Teeth

Virtually all of us have seen a toothpaste commercial before that tells us how our smile is the most important beauty feature that we have. That’s a big part of the reason why we tend to make sure to see the dentist once a year, schedule professional whitening appointments every few months and use the kind of toothpaste and mouthwash that has some kind of whitening ingredient in it. But did you... ❯❯❯

5 Gum Disease Treatment and Prevention Tips

Gum disease is not a condition that strikes overnight. It is a long process that starts with bacteria, progresses to plaque and tartar, builds to gingivitis and periodontitis, and eventually leads to teeth falling out of your head if you do nothing to prevent or treat it. Yuck and ouch. In truth, untreated gum disease could come with additional health risks. If abscesses form they could move into... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Dental Tips for a Young Healthy Smile

A healthy smile is something that many people strive for. A healthy smile connotes a healthy person and being healthy can translate to feeling better, more refreshed and having a better quality of life. Moreover, the health of our teeth is directly correlated to our overall heath. Cavities and other periodontal issues can lead to cardiac arrest and stroke if left untreated for a long time. Not... ❯❯❯

5 Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthy, White Smile

One of the first things we notice about people is their appearance, and a beautiful, healthy smile is something that most of us find immediately attractive and appealing. However, as we age it is only natural for our teeth to suffer from all manner of issues. These could include yellowing, staining, cavities, tooth decay, and even tooth loss. And although there are certainly ways to deal with... ❯❯❯

Common Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Most people find a bright, white smile to be attractive, perhaps because yellowing and discoloration are common signs of aging and even tooth decay. At the biological level, we’re interested in finding potential mating partners that are young, strong, and healthy. So it’s only natural that we are attracted to the qualities that white teeth denote. And luckily, there are many options for polishing... ❯❯❯

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