Dental Guides

Why Go to the Doctor if Nothing Hurts?

What is the purpose of a medical examination?

Very few illnesses, such as injuries, occur immediately. The vast majority of diseases develop slowly. Today, with the support of medicalbrandnames, I will tell you under what conditions you should go to the doctor and how often.

At industrial enterprises, institutions, educational institutions carry out medical examinations (health checks) of healthy people not only to detect disease or pre-disease conditions, but also to give advice on how best to improve health. Such examinations were introduced a long time ago and were called preventive. And it is no accident, because one of the basic principles of our medicine - the prevention of disease.

Regular medical examinations conducted in schools are designed to detect the onset of disease in time. School pupils are carefully examined at an age when important physiological and anatomical changes occur.

Conducted examinations at the beginning of the school year. And there is a reason for this: it is desirable to know what changes occurred during the summer months, a time of particularly intense growth of the body; to begin treatment (if necessary) at the beginning of the school year, when there is less of a learning load.

In addition to medical examinations, the school conducts examinations before the start of youth sports, tourist camps, labor and construction teams.  It is necessary to know the state of health of young people, what loads for them are acceptable.

Sometimes the doctor who conducts examinations, can not fully understand the illness. In such cases, additional studies, consultations, and referrals to specialized medical institutions are necessary.  For example, to recognize an unclear skin disease, a schoolchild may be referred to a district or regional dermatovenerologic dispensary, a dermatovenerologica research institute, etc.

Go to the doctor for your health

You have decided to pay serious attention to your physical development, to take up physical training and sports. Unfortunately, there is no sports club near your home, so you decide to exercise on your own. Bought a manual, made a schedule of self-exercise.

But do not hurry. Intensive lessons swimming, skiing or running cross-country for long distances will bring the body additional, and sometimes significant strain. Is he able to cope with it? That's why a preliminary visit to a doctor, a specialist of a medical and physical fitness center is necessary. If necessary, a thorough functional examination will be carried out and specific advice will be given.

When should you go to the doctor? 

To answer the question, let's look at some examples. You have a headache. The headache is not very severe. Try to determine the cause yourself: you didn't get enough sleep... You've been working a lot... ...being in a stuffy room... were too nervous...

Try to relieve the headache first with physical methods: a walk in the fresh air, a refreshing shower or a cup of tea. It does not help. Then you can resort to a headache pill, too. But an hour or two passes, and the headache does not disappear. It is possible that its cause is not accidental, and headache - a sign of some kind of trouble in the body, the disease. This is when you have to go to the doctor. He will determine if this is a symptom (sign) of high blood pressure or headache is caused by general fatigue, a sharp change of atmospheric pressure... And in each case, the treatment will be different.

However, there are some human disturbances that require immediate medical attention: 

sharp pain in the abdomen (in the right side, left side, lower abdomen), 

high fever combined with a rash, 

high fever combined with a severe headache, etc.

Unfortunately, some students are quite bold in diagnosing themselves and prescribing medications. They choose medications based only on medical brands, forgetting about the individual side effects of any drug. It is right to use popular medications, but you should consult your doctor before doing so.

The Doctor and the Patient

There is no sympathy among doctors for people who constantly "listen" to their bodies. But there are people who completely neglect their health. Such people arouse condemnation and resentment among doctors. Most often, they ignore the disease if there are no painful sensations, and do not pay attention to any changes in the body.

The success of a preventive visit to the doctor depends largely on the contact between the doctor and the patient, on their mutual trust and disposition.

You can, and should, tell your doctor straight out about your worries and concerns. However, you should also keep in mind this circumstance. It is not uncommon for a doctor to have many patients and to have a very limited appointment time. That is why I advise you to think in advance how to formulate your complaints clearly and briefly. If necessary, the doctor will ask follow-up questions.

You should help the doctor in his work in every possible way. Of course, the most important thing is to strictly follow his appointments, above all a great desire to get better. Remember: in the fight against the disease there are two true allies - the doctor and you. The effect of treatment depends on you. Only with this mindset will any medication or prescription have the maximum therapeutic effect.

Tell the doctor about the little things that may prevent the doctor from doing his or her job. 

For example, you need to sign some certificate, write a prescription. You look in the office: the doctor is writing something, the patient is sitting next to you, the examination is over. You ask if you can come in, and, without waiting for an answer, you cross the threshold of the office, begin to state your request. After all, while making notes of complaints, symptoms of illness, the doctor is at the same time thinking about the diagnosis, treatment methods, and you have distracted him, interrupted him. What you should do is different: wait a little while until the doctor is free and the patient leaves.

Only then the doctor sets up for the next appointment. Now, with the doctor's or nurse's permission, you can enter the cabinet and explain the nature of the case. Another thing to keep in mind is that the doctor needs absolute silence when examining the patient. Noise, conversations in the hallway, loud laughter very much disturb the doctor, do not allow him to concentrate. 


In this article, I've outlined all the basic tips for controlling your health. Of course, everything is individual, but a basic check-up with a doctor should be done periodically. In order not to get sick at a time like this, it is necessary to monitor your condition and not to neglect your health.

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