Dental Guides

When to Seek Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency refers to any severe damage, injury or trauma to your gums or teeth that require you to seek immediate medical attention. This may lead to fractured, dislodged, cracked or broken teeth. Or, lacerated, bleeding or infected gums.

It’s crucial to understand what type of oral trauma or injuries need emergency dental care. This way, you’ll minimize the risk of permanent dental damage, as well as avoid extensive and costly treatments later on.

Here’s a rundown of common dental emergencies that you need to be aware of, and what to do in the meanwhile.

Broken, chipped or cracked teeth

Cracked, chipped, fractured, and broken teeth — these are the common forms of mouth injuries, and they can occur at any time of the day. They can result from a collision, sports-related injury, or any other physical trauma. In some cases, your tooth can get chipped if you bite too hard on a tough piece of food.

If it’s a minor crack or fracture, you may not have to see a dentist right away. Regardless, it is recommended that you take warm saltwater and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Any broken tooth pieces should be rinsed, too.

More importantly, applying a cold, wet compress externally to areas (lips, cheek, mouth, etc) close to the affected tooth will help alleviate pain as well as prevent swelling or inflammation. If the chipped or broken tooth starts bleeding, press down a wet tea bag or gauze for at least 10 minutes, or until it stops bleeding.

Seek emergency dental care as soon as possible, for example, visit Lifestyle Dental Preston, UK to know more about this.

Knock-out teeth

If your tooth is knocked out completely, try to stay calm. Whatever you do, be extremely cautious not to swallow it. Retrieve the tooth by handling it by the crown (the area that’s always exposed) and rinse it with warm saltwater if it has some dirt.

If possible, place it back in the original position and bite or hold it down with a wet tea bag or gauze. See your dentist immediately.

Tooth pain (toothache)

Oral pain is quite common, but persistent toothaches require immediate dental care. First, rinse your mouth with warm (or salty) water. If it’s swollen, use a cold press to subside the swelling and relief aching. See a dentist ASAP.

Oral abscesses

An abscess is an oral infection that affects especially the gums, in between teeth, and the root of a tooth. If not addressed early, abscesses can cause severe tissue damage, tooth decay, and chronic pain. You shouldn’t ignore it - visit your dentist the soonest.

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