Dental Guides

Top 5 Ways to Tame Tooth Sensitivity

There are few oral maladies quite as uncomfortable as sensitive teeth. It’s not like you have a cavity or anything, but every time you drink something extra hot or cold, every time you try to eat your favorite sugary snack, or even when you just walk outside on a cold, blustery day you find your mouth has become a throbbing mess. Although it’s not due to a cavity, tooth sensitivity is often a warning sign of a real problem, the wearing out of the enamel that protects the root of your tooth. Luckily, you’ve got ways to address the problem that should help you realize a difference almost right away. Here are the top five ways to tame tooth sensitivity.

First of all, keep your eyes peeled for a toothpaste that’s designed for sensitive teeth. You’ll find options from basically all of the major brands, as well as some of the ‘organic’ varieties if you want something that’s more natural. The key to this toothpaste is potassium nitrate as an active ingredient. That will block up the tubules in the dentin of your teeth, which will cut down on the sensitivity. It’s not a perfect solution, and you will have to use it on a daily basis from here on out. But give it a try, especially if the problem isn’t severe.

Next, consider changing something about your style of brushing. It’s actually possible to cause your own tooth sensitivity through how your brush your teeth. You’ve got to use a brush with soft bristles. Those harder bristles, combined with too strong a hand can actually wear out the enamel coating on your teeth. Remember to brush light and easy, in a consistent, up and down rhythm. And don’t forget to keep brushing for two to three minutes at a time. You’ve got to get all of the particles out of your gum line, which could be contributing to your tooth sensitivity.

Now it’s time to turn your attention to the foods you eat. There are certain things that will continue to aggravate your teeth, and make the situation worse. Start out by cutting down on your intake of foods and beverages with a high acid content. Drinks like soda, fruit juice and red wine, and foods like pickles and oranges will wear on your enamel. And when you do partake in these choices, make sure you brush your teeth within twenty minutes of eating and drinking. That way you’ll protect your remaining tooth enamel and avoid making the situation worse.

In many cases, tooth sensitivity comes from grinding your teeth too much. It’s something people do when they’re stressed out without really thinking about it, or even completely unconsciously while sleeping. You’ll see other warning signs for this behavior as well, such as morning headaches and jaw pains. You might want to try sleeping in a different position, or wearing a dentist approved mouth guard that keeps your teeth from grinding up against each other.

Finally, discuss other possibilities with your dentist. It is possible to have a barrier actually painted on your teeth that will prevent the sensitivity from reoccurring. These barriers are often made out of a plastic resin or a fluoride-based varnish. This isn’t a permanent solution, and you’ll have to go back every several months or years depending on the treatment option. But it may be the longest lasting solution, especially if paired with other options.

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