Dental Guides

The Top 4 Signs Of Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, teeth grinding, or TMJ all commonly refer to the condition of when a person clenches their jaw or grinds their teeth throughout sleep. It's a serious medical issue that can cause massive damage to the mouth and affect various functions of the teeth. According to a recent article published by the ADA Health Policy Institute in September of 2020, teeth grinding has increased by nearly 60 percent since the start of March 2020. Teeth grinding is associated with stress and anxiety and the large increase in bruxism has coincided with the covid-19 pandemic. The problem with teeth grinding is that it typically occurs at night so it can be hard to identify. Here are four signs that you may grind your teeth at night.

Morning Headaches

When you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, you exert pressure on the joints that connect your jaw bone to your skull. The stress of teeth grinding can tire your temporal joints out weakening them. If you wake up routinely with morning headaches or a sore jaw, you may be grinding your teeth throughout the night. There are a few effective ways at fighting bruxism. Teeth Grinding Night Guards can provide an instant defense against the damage caused by bruxism.

Popping or Clicking Noises

You may not hear them, but your partner might. When you clench your teeth at night the small joints that connect your jaw bone to your skull may make an audible "popping" or "clicking" sound. When you're asleep you won't be able to hear this, but your partner may recognize these noises. It's important to alert your partner if you hear these noises because they may be grinding their teeth which can cause severe damage. If you or your partner continually wakes up with morning headaches or a sore jaw, listen for these clicking noises at night to confirm teeth grinding.

Locking of the Jaw

Did you know that after enough years of teeth clenching, your facial structure can shift if left untreated? The sheer force that you exert night after night on your teeth can change the shape of your jawbones and damage your joints. Certain factors can increase this habit. If you find yourself continually stressed out or have anxiety issues you are at a bigger risk of teeth grinding. If your jaw locks throughout the day that's a sign of you clenching it during the night. Online Night Guards can help reduce the amount of pressure that you put onto your teeth and jaw.

Sensitive Teeth

Your teeth have multiple functions including helping you form words, chew food, and protect your tongue. When your teeth become sensitive it may be hard to adequately perform these functions. Many people associate sensitive teeth with hot or cold temperatures of food but sensitive teeth can come from teeth grinding. When your teeth grind together they eventually are worn down. With the tooth enamel erased, your underlying dentin is exposed which is the inside part of the tooth making it very painful or extra sensitive when eating. Affordable night guards add an extra layer of protection for your teeth. Wearing one each night will help prevent your enamel from wearing down.

If you already wear a retainer at night you have some protection against teeth grinding and clenching. It's important to note that your retainer isn't meant for heavy protection against teeth grinding and you might need to find an online replacement retainer as it can only take so much grinding before it will eventually break or snap. If you believe you grind or clench your teeth, make sure your retainer is made from premium material like essix-plus. These retainers are stronger and more durable.

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