Dental Guides

Dental Guides (Page 43)

The Dangers of Prescription Drugs Prescribed by Dentists

Many people go to the dentist for a routine teeth cleaning, but there are also the few times that you go for more intensive procedures, like root canals, tooth extractions (most likely as a result of an impacted wisdom tooth), and cavity fillings. Some of these procedures require surgery with anesthesia and stitches. At the end of the procedure your dentist will most likely give you a prescription... ❯❯❯

Want Whiter Teeth?

A perfect Hollywood smile has great appeal to a newly single twenty something like myself. But like most things I imagined that such beauty would come at a pretty high price and after hearing various horror stories through the press I was cautious about pursuing this any further than investing in some whitening toothpaste. However, after a few months of no dates I was ready to pull out all of... ❯❯❯

Are Alligators the Answer to Tooth Renewal?

Many animals, but specifically vertebrates, can replace teeth as they lose them. Humans only replace their teeth once, and scientists have been wondering why. They have been studying alligator stem cells to help them figure out a way of stimulating tooth growth in humans. Led by the Keck School of Medicine of USC, a global team of researchers have discovered cellular mechanisms in tooth renewal... ❯❯❯

Could Protecting My Teeth Be As Easy As Chewing Gum or Sucking on a Mint? Tips from Dentists In Scottsdale

Could Protecting My Teeth Be As Easy As Chewing Gum or Sucking on a Mint?  Tips from Dentists In ScottsdaleTips that can help protect your teeth when you are away from your floss and toothbrush are always helpful.  Life can be hectic and it is easy to place oral health on the back burner.  Hate to burst your bubble, but ignoring your teeth isn’t an option.  You must invest in oral care, and this information will make it easier. Now, part of your healthy oral habits can be as easy as chewing the... ❯❯❯

Setting Standards – Dental Care for Children

Dental care is extremely important for children. Not pushing oral hygiene at an early age is going to lead to a range of problems in the future. You will always find that those children that had good oral hygiene from an early age will not have problems with their teeth and gums later on in life. As a new parent, you might feel fairly helpless, but there are actually a lot of things that you can... ❯❯❯

The Worst Foods for Your Teeth and Gums

Taking care of your teeth and gums isn’t just about brushing and flossing. While these are very beneficial practices, a healthy mouth begins with a healthy diet. Some foods, by their very nature, are more destructive to teeth and gums than others. Cutting these foods out of your diet is not necessary, but be sure to rinse your mouth with water after consuming them, and always maintain a healthy... ❯❯❯

How to Treat Sore and Bleeding Gums

If you’re in the middle of your nightly flossing or toothbrushing and you notice a bit of pink in the sink when you spit, you’ve got a bit of a problem. It means your gums are bleeding, and they’re probably sore to the touch as well. Those are two of the major warning signs of gingivitis, a gum disease that inflames the tissue around the base of your teeth. It’s nothing to be terrified about, in... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Ways to Tame Tooth Sensitivity

There are few oral maladies quite as uncomfortable as sensitive teeth. It’s not like you have a cavity or anything, but every time you drink something extra hot or cold, every time you try to eat your favorite sugary snack, or even when you just walk outside on a cold, blustery day you find your mouth has become a throbbing mess. Although it’s not due to a cavity, tooth sensitivity is often a... ❯❯❯

Foods That Cause Tooth Decay and Cavities

There are few natural gifts you are given that are more important than your teeth. Teeth are used every single day, often in ways you don’t think about. They help you communicate, keeping your jaw and lips in the proper formation. They are obviously an absolute necessity in the eating process, but they will also help you land a mate. How often are you drawn to a new person due to their bright,... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Preventing and Treating Sensitive Teeth

You read labels and shop at farmers’ markets to eat right, exercise and hit the weights to keep your body in great shape, but how much time, thought and energy do you commit to maintaining oral health? You can always lose weight, but you only get one set of teeth. If you mistreat them you’re in for years of pain, complicated surgical procedures and stiff bills. Some oral issues are obvious, such... ❯❯❯

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